Home Garden Vegetable Trial

The 2024 Home Garden Variety Trial is Underway!

Need the links to our evaluations?

Early/Mid-Season Evaluation Link

End of Season Link

Information on Citizen Science Research Behind the Home Garden Vegetable Trials

You are invited to participate in a research study. You will be asked to complete cultivar evaluation forms that should take about 10 minutes of your time. There are no foreseeable risks associated with this study other than those encountered in everyday life. All data will be kept confidential. No identifying information about your garden evaluations will be shared and submission of this evaluation is completely voluntary. Information will be used to assist home gardeners in TN select the best vegetables for their home gardens. The information in the study records will be kept confidential. No reference will be made in reports which could link participants to the study. If you have questions at any time about the study please contact Dr. Natalie Bumgarner at nbumgarn@utk.edu.

Tomato Plants growing on the vine
Black Currant Fruit

“Thanks UT for establishing your gardening research for gardeners like me. While staying home, the seed planting gives purpose and fun. I’m so glad to participate.”

Home Garden Variety Trial Participant from 2020
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