All Master Gardener volunteers across the state are welcome to attend regional planning meetings, generally held twice per year at state conferences, and regional workshops. These regional meetings provide groups an opportunity to network, focus on issues relevant to the region and their volunteers, and provide support and guidance to other counties.
This year members will vote on regional representatives who will will work with the Master Gardener workgroup!
Interested in joining an educational resource team?
TEMG volunteers are carrying out excellent outreach and service across the state on a wide range of horticulture topics.
Many great educational resources are being gathered developed and used locally. However, we currently lack a cohesive and accessible set of statewide resources for coordinators and volunteers to share information with citizens.
This project will support the development of a new website to meet those needs!
What are the goals of the Resource Team?
- Gather and review resource materials to launch a new Residential and Consumer Horticulture website to serve the needs of the public.
- Gather and review teaching and other resource materials that will be made available to TEMG volunteers to support education and outreach.
- Develop priorities for future factsheets and Extension educational resources.
TEMG Regional Representatives
Regional representatives serve as a connection between the regional planning teams and the Master Gardener workgroup.
There is one elected representative from each of the three regions. These positions require a three-year term of service. Regional representatives are elected at regional planning meetings.
Regional representatives are charged with the following tasks:
- Serve as a communication connection between the TEMG workgroup and volunteer across the region.
- Deliver ideas from their region to the TEMG workgroup
- Serve as a member of the TEMG workgroup for the third and final year of their term
- Assist with planning and carrying out two regional planning meetings each year
- Assist with planning and carrying out regional events (tours, workshops)
- Work with the TEMG workgroup and state coordinator to improve the lives of Tennesseans by identifying and achieving residential and consumer horticulture education goals across the state.
To apply for election as a regional representative position:
- Complete the Application for Tennessee Extension Master Gardener Regional Representative
- Have the application signed by your County Agent and forwarded on by your president, only one application per county.
- Submit to Natalie Bumgarner, 2431 Joe Johnson Drive, 252 Ellington Plant Sciences, Knoxville, TN 37996,

TEMG Regional Planning Teams
Regional Planning Teams are voluntary, unelected groups of volunteers who gather to plan events and share information to create an excellent Tennessee Extension master Gardener program.
Any active, certified TEMG volunteer is welcome to attend and participate!
Two meetings are typically held each year, and they can be at state conferences, regional workshops, or other Extension events in the area (such as Summer Celebration).
Regional planning meetings are designed to provide an open forum for all county associations to have a voice in state and regional events and share and network with each other!
Each regional planning meeting will include:
- Information on upcoming regional, state, and national Extension Master Gardener events
- An opportunity to provide input in upcoming regional events
- Sharing of local MG group outreach, service, and education projects
- Opportunity for networking for volunteers from different groups and associations
- Information related to any questions or changes in TEMG procedures or guidelines.
Master gardeners plant seeds in the community, both literally and figuratively.
Master Gardeners